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Senin, 31 Desember 2012

New Year's Eve!

Halo semuanya~ !! Long time no see, ne :D. Maaf ya, dan mohon dimaklumi kemalasan saya *Dilemparpakekodok. Comeback saya ini untuk memberi post special akhir tahun.
Nggak kerasa ya, satu lagi tahun sudah kita lewati. Apakah harapan kalian sudah terpenuhi di tahun ini? Selamat bagi yang sudah membuat kemajuan dalam hidupnya, dan yang belum bergerak barang sesentipun dari tempatnya semula, termasuk saya, ayoo jangan patah semangat. Ridak perlu berkecil hati. Jika dulu author ini juga meremehkan namanya orang susah move-on, bukan hanya dalam cinta namun pada kasus-kasus lain juga, sekarang author bisa sangat memahami yang namanya susah move-on. Intinya sih, pelan-pelan aja :D.

Ngomong-ngomong, kapan hari, yang mulia Mama ngasih komentar mengenai keinginan. Bener nggak sih, kalau kita punya keinginan, punya mimpi, tapi kita tidak melakukan apapun untuk meraihnya itu adalah salah satu tanda adanya saraf yang mati di otak kita?! Kalau kebetulan readers ada yang tahu, share info ya~ soalnya jujur, saya cukup shock mendengar hal seperti itu. Karena, saya memiliki mimpi tapi saya malah sama sekali berhenti melakukan sesuatu untuk meraihnya. Oh well, mungkin kali ini malas nggak lagi bisa dijadikan kambing hitam.

Hmm, sekarang mari kita tengok, apa sih yang sudah terjadi pada hidupku setahun belakangan ini?
Tambah gendut. Itu adalah hal paling menjengkelkan yang terjadi tahun ini. Sejujurnya aku juga nggak paham, gimana bisa aku jadi segini gedenya. Padahal, pola makan dulu dan sekarang masih sama. Cuma mungkin rasa malasnya aja ya yang bertambah. tapi hal ini agak sedikit aneh lho. Padahal pertengahan tahun ini, aku sempat mengalami stress berat sampai yang aku rasakan hanyalah kepingin semua ini cepat berakhir. Tapi kok aku nggak kurus juga ?!
Tahun ini aku juga muai menjamah e-book harlequin, dan jatuh sinta setengah mati sama Historical Romance. Thanks to Neko-Chan yang sudah dengan getol memperkenalkan saya denga Keluarga Bridgerton karya Julia Quinn. Dan, betapa tertolongnya diriku ini. Awal tahun kemaren, aku dibelikan Handphone baru. Dan yang lebih menyenagkan lagi, ini adalah salah satu smartphone yang sedang jadi trend dikalangan masyarakat kita. Berkat adanya smartphone ini, aku bisa baca e-book dari novel-novel harlequin keren yang nggak ada di rak TIARA maupun yang nggak terbit di Indonesia. Jujur saja, aplikasi yang ditawarkan smartphone ini nggak cukup bisa bikin aku kegirangan. FYI saudara, author nggak begitu menggemari chatting.

Pengalaman baru lain adalah pergi ke Surabaya sendiri. Bagi sebagian mungkin ini hal biasa, dan malah masuk ke bagian yang sama sekali nggak menarik. Dan, aku juga nggak merasa hal ini menarik kok. Bosen tau menempuh perjalanan sejauh -/+ 120km, dalam 3 jam! Tapi tetep aja kan namanya pengalaman baru. Selama ini, transportasi yang aku gunakan adalah kereta api dan angkot. Tapi mulai bulan November kemarin, aku iseng-iseng berangkat naik motor. Awalnya sih, aku berangakt bareng Zua. Tapi, dia nggak ikutan bolos acara TQQ dan akhirnya aku pulang sendiri. Emm, sebenernya, aku maksa Bella buat nemenin sih. Tapi cuman sampai Mojokerto aja. Dan waktu balik ke Surabaya Senin berikutnya, aku berangkat sendiri, dan hampir aja nyasar!

Tahun ini, aku udah jatuh cinta setengah mati sama berapa seleb ya?? Awal tahun kemaren, naksir berat sama Narimiya Hiroki. Tapi sayangnya, susah banget cari news tentang dia. Lalu pertengahan tahun ini, aku tergila-gila sama Matthew Goode. Dan itu juga nggak bertahan lama, sampai akhirnya aku dibikin mabuk kepayang sama Adam Levine. Iya, si frontman nya Maroon 5 yang naudzubillah seksi sekali~! Ehh, kalian belum pada tahu soal Aku yang kena hipnotis sama keseksian Adam ya ? Hehehehe, yang satu ini aku belum sempet posting.


O iya. Ada satu berita yang menggembirakan terjadi pada awal bulan ini. Yaitu kelahiran putra pertama dari NeChan :D. Bayi mungil cakep nan menggemaskan itu diberi nama Kiandra Alfarizi. Lahir pada tanggal 6 Desember 2012 sekitar pukul 3 sore dengan berat 3,2 Kg. bocah satu ini langsung jadi idola baruku :D. rasanya kangen bangett gitu kalo nggak ketemu dia seminggu. FYI, seminggu dalam kehidupan saya berumur 4 hari. Senin-Kamis aja. Hahahaha. Kelahiran Kiandra ini menjadi salah satu kado ulang tahun paling membahagiakan buat NeChan pastinya. Uuu, saya sudah jadi tante.
Harapan saya buat Kian tersayang adalah, semoga dia jadi anak yang soleh dan berbakti kepada orangtua, nenek-kakek, dan saya juga tentunya :D.

Kiandra Alfarizi

 :* :3

Dan tahun ini juga, aku menginjak usia yang ke-20. Hmmm, semakin disadarkan kalo saya udah nggak pantes lagi berkelakuan seperti anak kecil. Tapi gimana ya~ usia 20 nggak membawa perubahan pada sifatku. Masih sama seperti saat usiaku 16. Padahal, kalo liat senior-senior di kampus yang dandan keren, rasanya umur kami beda jauhh banget. Mereka kelihatan dewasa, sementara aku masih jadi seorang Tiara yang nggak suka repot, jadi nggak pernah dandan. Padahal beda usiaku sama mereka paling Cuma 1-2 tahun loh. Malah mungkin usiaku lebih tua dari mereka.
Berbicara soal kehidupan kampus, banyak sekali tugas, apalagi di akhir semester jelang UAS ini. Tentu saja aku juga belajar banyak disini. Dan mata kuliah yang paling aku sukai adalah mengenai kehidupan. Ini bahkan punya poin plus lebih banyak dari pada mata kuliah Linguistic ataupun Grammar. Bedanya, mata kuliah ini tidak member bukti fisik berupa nilai A atau C+, melainkan bagaimana kita memaknainya. Bagaimana kita mensyukuri apa yang telah Tuhan berikan untuk kita. Dan Alhamdulillah, Yang Maha Kuasa masih tetap memberikan banyak hal yang aku butuhkan.

Kalau soal kehidupan asmara, jangan Tanya lah. Masih sekosong tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Mungkin ada beberapa orang yang menarik perhatianku, tapi yah~ mungkin inilah yang dinamakan ‘belum jodoh’. Bukannya aku juga pernah berani melakukan PDKT, ataupun pernah bener-bener suka sama mereka. Hmm, mungkin memang belum saatnya ya… lagian aku belum pernah ketemu seseorang seperti Keir O’Connell, atau Alexio Christoulakis yang digambarkan para pengarang novel harlequin memiliki sosok bak Dewa Yunani. Mungkin emang aku aja yang kebanyakan baca novel. Hehehe

Salah satu kabar paling mengejutkan tahun ini adalah pernikahan oleh sahabat baik saya, Phikachu. Nggak nyangka kan, bocah model dia, yang berangasannya bikin preman jiper bakalan takluk sama keinginan orang tuanya. Apalagi keinginan orang tuanya itu bener-bener bikin aku pengen datang kesana bawa kapak. Tapi sayangnya, karena adanya jadwal TQQ yang nggak bisa lagi dihindari, aku nggak bisa datang. Meskipun aku nggak setuju sama pernikahan Phikachu, nggak suka sama cara suaminya maksa dia buat setuju nikah, apalagi kata-kata kejam yang terlontar dari bibir orang tuanya *yang SHIT kepingin banget nyumpel tuh mulut pake semen biar ga bisa ngomong selamanya!*, aku tetap mengharapkan yang terbaik bagi dia dan kehidupan rumah tangganya. Gimanapun juga, dia adalah orang yang berai buatku. Sahabatku.
Kemarin Na juga SMS aku. Bilang mau main kesini besok. Tapi sayang banget, aku besok musti balik ke Surabaya, karena pelaksanaan UAS pada tanggal 2. Dia menikah beberapa hari sebelum Phikachu. Dia sekarang tinggal sama ibunya, dan kadang harus berjauhan sama sang suami yang kerja di Kediri dan cuma bisa pulang 2 hari sekali. Dan Na lagi hamil 4 bulan! Well, aku nggak bisa mengartikan perasaanku. Antara sudah menebak dan kaget juga mendengar dari orangnya langsung. Hmmm, untuk Na, semoga dia mendapatkan yang terbaik dari pernikahan ini. Ini pernikahan yang didasari cinta, dan semoga mereka akan tetap memegang teguh cinta itu sampai lanjut usia. Amin. Aku berbahagia untuk Na.

Peristiwa tragis di Newtown, Connecticut pada pertengahan bulan ini juga merupakan hal yang teramat sangat menyedihkan. 20 murid dan 6 staff tewas karena penembakan yang dilakukan orang sinting, bejat, jahanam, iblis paling bangsat yang pernah ada! Si tersangka ini juga menembak Ibunya sendiri sebelum mengambil nyawa orang-orang yang tidak mengerti apa masalah orang brengsek ini. Dia juga bunuh diri setelah melancarkan aksinya. Padahal aku dengan senang hati nimpukin kepalanya yang nggak berotak itu! Betapa terkutuk perbuatannya. Rata-rata anak berumur 6-7 tahun itu mendapat paling sedikit 3 peluru bersarang pada tubuh mereka. Dan ada 2 korban yang ditembak 11 kali dari jarak dekat!!
Dan 6 staff sekolah yang meninggal itu adalah orang-orang yang berusaha melindungi anak-anak itu dari serangan membabi buta bocah psycho ini. Neraka jahanam bahkan nggak cukup berat untuk orang gila macam ini! Semoga para korban tenang disisi-Nya dan para keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan. Turut berduka cita yang sedalam-dalamnya. R.I.P Angels.

Oh, jangan sampai lupa! Ramalan menggemparkan Suku Maya mengenai kiamat yang terjadi pada tanggal 22-12-2012 TIDAK TERBUKTI SAUDARA! Sebagai bukti, ya aku yang masih bisa posting khusus untuk event akhir tahun. LOL. Kesimpulannya, kapan kiamat itu akan terjadi, hanya Tuhan yang tahu.

Yaampun, curhatanku segini banyak! Hahahaha.
Banyak juga ya yang terjadi tahun ini. Meskipun rasanya belum lama ini aku ngerayain malam pergantian tahun. Semua yang terjadi pada tahun ini membawa berkah dan hikmah tersendiri. Semoga para pembaca juga mengalami tahun yang menyenangkan.

Dan apakah kalian sudah mebuat list harapan untuk tahun 2013? atau bahkan sudah ada yang menetapkan target?! semoga saja dapat terpenuhi ya Teman-teman. Amin. Kalau author sendiri sih, berharap tahun 2013 akan menjadi istimewa dan bisa menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi. Semoga nggak malas-malas lagi deh ya. Itu yang paling penting! :D. Tahun 2013 akan membawa banyak berkah, AMIN. Semoga yang kehilangan tulang rusuk *dalam kasus ini aku tulang rusuknya* segera sadar dan cepar-cepat datang mencarinya :D.

Terimakasih atas segalanya, Tahun 2012. Selamat tinggal! :D
Semoga membawa lebih banyak keindahan, Selamat datang 2013!
Mohon bantuannya lagi ya teman-teman.

Happy New Year! 

Minggu, 18 November 2012

Cody Simpson - Got Me Good

You-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good
I-I-I-I-I, you-ou-ou-ou-ou
I like this right here

Word on the street is that you’re single (so)
So baby have you heard my single?
It goes la di da and it hits like a cymbal
I drew a heart with my finger on your window

What’s up?
Even with your hair up
Girl, what’s up?
Even in your sweat pants
Girl, what’s up?
Even when you wake up without any make-up, I’m in love

Cause I’m
So tired of the same old things
I’ma need something new in my life, yeah
So tired of the same old games
Yeah it’s time I started feeling right

Cause you-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good girl
I-I-I-I-I, feel so good girl
You-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good
And you know that I need you so bad

You said you’re talking to your ex-boy (well)
Well just remember he’s your ex-boy (uh)
Well maybe I could be your next boy
And just remember that you’re better than the rest

So baby, what’s up?
Even in your work clothes
Girl, what’s up?
You know how to work clothes
Girl, what’s up?
Girl, you got me lost in your eyes, I’m in paradise
What’s up?

Cause I’m
So tired of the same old things
I’ma need something new in my life, yeah
So tired of the same old games
Yeah it’s time I started feeling right

Cause you-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good girl
I-I-I-I-I, feel so good girl
You-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good
And you know that I need you so bad

I wanna know what it feels like
To run my fingers through you hair
I wanna know what drives you wild
Cause baby we could drive it there
Tell me that I’m dreaming
No, I don’t wanna wake up
No, I don’t wanna wake up


So tired of the same old things
I’ma need something new in my life
So tired of the same old games
Think it’s time I started feeling right

Because you-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good girl
I-I-I-I-I, feel so good girl
You-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good
And you know that I need you so bad

You-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good girl
I-I-I-I-I, feel so good girl
You-ou-ou-ou-ou, got me good
And you know that I need you so bad

So bad, so bad
So bad, so bad
So bad, so bad
So bad, so bad

Christina Perri feat Jason Mraz - Distance

The sun is filling up the room
And I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do right now?
I wish we would just give up
Cause the best part is falling
Call it anything but love

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now
I give you everything I am
All my broken heart beats
Until I know you understand

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And I keep waiting
For you to take me
You keep waiting
To save what we have

So I'll make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

Make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long til we call this love, love, love?

Blue - You Make Me Wanna

You know you make me wanna...
You know you make me wanna...

To start it off i know you know me,
to come to think of it, it was only last week
that i had a dream about us, oh
thats why im here, im writing this song
to tell the truth you know ive been hurting all along,
someway let me know, you want me girl,

everytime you see me what do u see?
i feel like im a poor man and you're the queen,
oh baby, youre the only thing that i really need,
baby thats why...

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night
you make me wanna hold you till the morning light
You make me wanna love,
you make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul
I know this is a feeling that i just cant fight,
you're the first and last thing on my mind
You make me wanna love
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul

Well i know that these feelings wont end now
they'll just get stronger if i see you again
Baby im tired of being friends
I wanna know if you feel the same,
and could you tell me do you feel my pain?
Dont leave me in doubt

Everytime you see me what do u see?
i feel like im a poor man an youre the queen
oh baby, youre the only thing that i really need
baby thats why...


I'll take you home real quick
sit you down on the couch
pour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out,
Baby we can make sweet love,
then we'll take it nice and slow
Gonna touch you like youve never known before
we're gonna make love ohhh

Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You

Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yea
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things defines what's within
And I've been there before, but that life's a bore
So full of the superficial

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you, baby
If I ain't got you, baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing if I ain't got you, yea

Some people search for a fountain
The Promise is forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way you prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you, baby
If I ain't got you, baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing if I ain't got you

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you, baby
If I ain't got you, baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing if I ain't got you, yea

I ain't got you with me, baby
Said nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me, baby 

 #Aku suka banget kalo Adam Levine yang nyanyi. Tambah seksi gitu.. :D

Boyzone - Gave It All Away

I ... I will learn to live before I die
will learn to love and learn to try
not to give it all away (give it all away)
She ... she may be
the one that’s meant for me
or for the man that I used to be (used to be)
til’ I gave it all away (gave it all away [x2])

why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
but I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

you taught me to see the better truth
about yourself but about me too (about me too)
I was stupid over you
what could I do

why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
but I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

some people wait a lifetime for a chance like this
I’ve waited enough
baby, no, I won’t let you go
I’m sick of tears and being fierce

(I won’t let go of you, I won’t let go of you, of you, of you [x2])

why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
but I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

there’s nothing left to take (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry ry)

I gave it all away

Blue - All Rise

Yo, yo
Yo, yo

Your honour please
Gotta believe what I say (say)
What I will tell (tell)
Happened just the other day (day)
I must confess (confess)
'Cos I've had about enough (enough)
I need your help (help)
Got to make this here thing stop (stop)

Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)
About all the things you used to do (come on)
And if you thought you had me fooled
I'm tellin' you now objection overruled
Here we go (oh baby)

One for the money and the free rides
It's two for the lie that you denied
All rise (all rise)
All rise (all rise, all rise)
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise (I'm gonna tell it to your face)
All rise (I rest my case)

You're on the stand (stand)
With your back against the wall (wall)
Nowhere to run (run)
And nobody you can call (call) oh no
I just can't wait (wait)
Now the case is open wide (wide)
You'll try to pray (pray)
But the jury will decide (decide)

Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)
About all the things you used to do
And if you thought you had me fooled (come on)
I'm tellin' you now objection overruled
Oh baby

One for the money and the free rides
It's two for the lie that you denied
All rise (all rise)
All rise (all rise, all rise)
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise (I'm gonna tell it to your face)
All rise (I rest my case)

So step back 'cos you don't know this cat
I know deep down that you don't want me to react
I lay low leaving all my options open
The decision of the jury has not been spoken
Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)
But in reality to whom does the stuff belong
I bring you into court to preach my order
And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh

It's two for the lie that you denied (ooooh)
All rise (all rise)
All rise (all rise, all rise)
Three for the calls you've been making (yeah)
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise (all rise, all rise)
All rise (all rise, all rise)

One for the money and the free rides (what you say)
It's two for the lie that you denied (can't you pay)
All rise (what you've done)
All rise
Three for the calls you've been making (what you say)
It's four for the times you've been faking (can't you pay)
All rise (what you've done)
All rise (where you've gone)

One for the money and the free rides
It's two for the lie that you denied (ohhh)
All rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh)
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
I said all rise
I'm gonna tell it to your face
All rise, I rest my case (uhuh uhuh)

Enya - Only Time

Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows, only time?
And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose, only time?

Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies, only time?
And who can say why your heart cries
when your love lies, only time?

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be ,in your heart?
and who can say when the day sleeps,
and the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart.....

Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose, only time?
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time?

Who knows? Only time
Who knows? Only time

Eminem - Mocking Bird

(Intro Spoken)
I know sometimes, things may not always make sense to you right now, but hey, what did daddy always tell you? Straigten up. Stiffen up that upper lip. What you cryin about? You got me.

(1st Verse)
Haillie I know you miss you mom, and i know u miss your dad
when im gone, but im tryin to give u the that life i never had
I can see your sad, even when you smile even when you laugh
I can see it in your eyes
deep inside you wanna cry
Cuz your scared
when i aint there
daddy's with you in your prayers
No more cryin wipe them tears
Daddy's here no more nightmares
We gon' pull together through it
we gon' do it
Laney,uncles crazy ain't he
yeah but he loves u girl and u better know it
We're all we got in this world
When it spins when it swirls
When it whirls, when it twirls
Two little beautiful girls
Lookin puzzled in a daze
I know it's confusin you
Daddy's always on the move
Momma's always on the news
I try to keep you sheltered from it but some how it seems
the more i try to do that the more it backfires on me
all the things growin up as daddy, daddy had too see
daddy dont want u to see but u see just as much as he did
we did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me
but things have gotten so bad between us
i dont see us
ever bein together ever again
like we used to be when we us teenagers
but then of course everything always happens for a reason
but i guess it was just never meant to be
its just something we have no control over and thats wat destiny is
but no more worries rest your head and go to sleep
maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream

Now hush little baby dont you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffin that upper lip up little lady i told ya
daddy's here to hold ya, through the night
i know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why
we feel how we feel inside
it may seem a little crazy
pretty baby, but i promise, momma's gonna be alright

(Verse 2)
It's funny, I remember back one year when daddy had no money
mommy wrapped the christmas presents up and stuck them under the tree
and said some of them were from me
cuz daddy couldnt buy em
ill never forget that christmas i sat up the whole night cryin
cuz daddy felt like a bum
see daddy had a job
but his job was to keep the food on the table for u and mom
and at the time
every house that we lived in either kept gettin broken into and robbed
or shot up on the block
and your mom
was saving money for you in a jar
trying to start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college
almost had a thousand dollars
till someone broke in and stole it
and i know it hurt so bad it broke your momma's heart
and it seems like everything was just startin to fall apart
mom and dad was arguin alot
so momma moved back on the charmers in the flat
one bedroom apartment
and dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile and novara
And that's wen daddy went to California with a cd
And met Dr. Dre, and flew you and momma out to see me
But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me
but then u started seeing daddy on the T.V
and momma didnt like it
and you and laney were to young to understand
papa was a rolllin stone, momma developed a habit
and it all happened to fast for either one of us to grab it
im just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand
cuz all i ever wanted to do was to make u proud
now im sittin in this empty house
just reminiscin
lookin at ur baby pictures, it just trips me out
to see how much youve both have grown its almost like your sisters now
wow, i guess you pretty much are
but daddy's still here
laney im talkin to u too
daddy's still here
i like the sound of that, yeah
it's got a ring to it dont it
shhh, mommas only gone for the moment

Now hush little baby dont yoo cry
everythings gonna be alright
stiffin that upper lip up little lady i told ya,daddys here to hold ya through the nite,i kno mommys not here right now and we dont kno why we feel how we feel inside it may seem a little crazy pretty baby but i promise mommas gon' be alrite
And if you ask me to Daddy's gonna buy you a mocking bird
im-ma give you the world
imma buy a diamond ring for you, Imma sing for u
ill do nething for you to see you smile
and if that mockingbird dont sing and that ring dont shine
imma break that birdies neck
ill go back to the jewler
who sold it to ya
and make him eat every karot dont fuck with dad! haha

TVXQ - Miduhyo

[Micky] Girl, Let me prove that my love is real
I'll give all my love to you, Please Trust me

[Xiah] Midoyo chonnune banhandanun marur midoyo
Gudaeyegen anirago marhaejiman
Narur gyongsorhage baraburggabwa gamchwowassur bbunijyo
[Max] Sashir nan gutaerur choum bwaton gu sunganbutho
Onjongir gutae saenggake sarassojyo
Achime nunddugo jamdur ddaeggaji han saenggakbbuniojyo

[All] I believe in you gutaer barabonun i shison gadur
Naega gago inun gutaer hyanghan maum modu dama bonaeri
Nomu swibge durgigo shipji anhun nae maum argo inayo
Gutae narur hurjjok ttonaborir goman gathun turyourggaji

[Hero] Gudae

[Micky] Sarangun gasumi meir tuthan solleimchorom gurohge sum makhinun guriumchorom
[U Know] Hangsang byonhamobnun shisonur jwoyo onjena shigumchorom

[Xiah] Jogumman naega maumur nohur su issur mangumman
Gidaerur barabon su issur mangumman
Naui gaggaiye momurundamyon hanobshi gibbugejyo

[All] I believe in you gutaer barabonun i shison gadur
Naega gago inun gutaer hyanghan maum modu dama bonaeri
Nomu swibge durgigo shipji anhun nae maum argo inayo
Gutae narur hurjjok ttonaborir goman gathun turyourggaji

[Xiah] gudae

[Hero] irohge gutae gyothe inun damyon
Gyorgoken amugodo morundamyon ormana naega gutaen saranghaenunji

Avril Lavigne - Innocence

Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great

I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliance
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere

I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling


It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliance
Makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliance
Please don't go away
Coz I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by


C21 - You Just Wait And See

If I could right those wrongs
I did you
Tell me would it be like this

Sometimes this is all I think of
I don't have the strenght to miss

This ain't about the words that's fallen
Not another way to let go
You'll know - so tell me

Who's ganna take you back again
Who's gonna show you every thing
You just wait and see

I'm gonna keep the promises
I'm gonna be the one who say's
You just wait and see

If you fail to show me
Don't stop trying
This is just the way it goes

I know that you've been hurting
I been trying
This is all I really know

This ain't about the words that's fallen
Just another way to believe
You'll see - so tell me

Who's ganna take you back again
Who's gonna show you every thing
You just wait and see

I'm gonna keep the promises
I'm gonna be the one who say's
You just wait and see

Who's gonna take
Who's gonna give
Who's gonna be the one
Who takes the risk

Who's gonna leave
Who's gonna stay
Who's gonna be the one
Who finds the way

Who's ganna take you back again
Who's gonna show you every thing
You just wait and see

I'm gonna keep the promises
I'm gonna be the one who say's
You just wait and see
An empty street An empty house A hole inside my heart I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller
I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang together Oh yeah
And oh my love I'm holding on forever Reaching for a love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again My love
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love
I try to read I go to work I'm laughing with my friends But I can't stop to keep myself From thinking Oh no
I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together Oh yeah
And oh my love I'm holding on forever Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again My love
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again
To hold you in my arms To promise you my love To tell you from my heart You're all I'm thinking of
Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again My love
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love
Say a little prayer Dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love

An empty street An empty house A hole inside my heart I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller
I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang together Oh yeah
And oh my love I'm holding on forever Reaching for a love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again My love
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love
I try to read I go to work I'm laughing with my friends But I can't stop to keep myself From thinking Oh no
I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together Oh yeah
And oh my love I'm holding on forever Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again My love
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again
To hold you in my arms To promise you my love To tell you from my heart You're all I'm thinking of
Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again My love
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love
Say a little prayer Dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again
Overseas from coast to coast To find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love


Westlife - Unbreakable

Took my hand, Touched my heart
Held me close, You were always there
By my side, Night and day
Through it all
Maybe come what may

Swept away on a wave of emotion
Overcaught in the eye of the storm
And whenever you smile
I can hardly believe that you’re mine
Believe that you’re mine

This love is unbreakable
It’s unmistakable
And each time I look in your eyes
I know why
This love is untouchable
I feel that my heart just can’t deny
Each time I look in your eyes
Oh baby, I know why
This love is unbreakable

Shared the laughter, Shared the tears
We both know, We’ll go on from here
Cause together we are strong
In my arms
That’s where you belong

I’ve been touched by the hands of an angel
I’ve been blessed by the power of love
And whenever you smile
I can hardly believe that you’re mine

This love is unbreakable
It’s unmistakable
Each time I look in your eyes
I know why
This love is untouchable
I feel that my heart just can’t deny
Each time you whisper my name
Oh baby, I know why

This love is unbreakable
Through fire and flame
When all this is over
Our love still remains

This love is unbreakable
It’s unmistakable
And each time I look in your eyes
I know why
This love is untouchable
I feel that my heart just can’t deny
Each time you whisper my name
Oh baby, I know why
Cause each time I look in your eyes
Oh baby, I know why

This love is unbreakable

TVXQ - Doushite Kimi Wo Suki Ni Natte Shimattan Darou?

Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?
Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto
Koko ni iru to, omotteta no ni
Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi

Doushite kimi ni nani mo tsutaerarenakattan darou?
Mainichi maiban tsunotteku omoi
Afuredasu kotoba, wakatteta no ni (mou todokanai)

Hajimete deatta, sono hi kara
Kimi wo shitteita ki ga shitan da
Amari ni shizen ni tokende shimatta futari

Doko e iku no ni mo issho de
Kimi ga iru koto ga touzen de
Bokura wa futari otona ni natte kita
Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi

Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?
Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto
Koko ni iru to, omotteta no ni (mou kanawanai)

Tokubetsu na imi wo motsu kyou wo
Shiawase kao de tatsu kyou wo
Kirei na sugata de kami sama ni chikatteru, kimi wo

Boku ja nai hito no tonari de
Shukufuku sareteru sugata wo
Boku wa dou yatte miokureba ii no darou?

Mou doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?
Ano koro mo, bokura no koto, mou moderenai (kangaeta) modorenai (kangaeta)

Doushite kimi no te wo tsukami ubaenakattan darou?
Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto
Boku no yoko ni, iru hazu datta (sono mama nii)

Sore demo kimi ga boku no soba nara to itte mo
Eien ni kimi ga shiawase de iru koto
Tada negatteru
Tatoe sore ga donna ni sabishikutemo (setsunakutemo)

TVXQ - Mirotic

Shijageun dalkomhage, peongbeomhage naege kkeullyeo
eonjena geuraetdeushi meonjeo mareul georeowa
modeun ganeungseong, yeoreodwo Oh~
sarangeun mwoda? mwoda! imi sushigeo Red Ocean
nan, breakin’ my rules again aljanha jiruhangeol?
jogeum dachyeodo neon, kwaenchanha Oh~

 neon nareul wonhae neon naege ppajyeo neon naege michyeo
he eo nal su eobseo I got you~ under my skin
neon nareul wonhae neon naege ppajyeo neon naege michyeo
neon naui no ye I got you~ under my skin

ne meorisogeul pagodeuneun nalkaroun nunbit
na anigoseon umjigijido anheun chrome heart
nega seontaekhan giringeol Oh~
hyeolgwaneul tago heureuneun sueok gae ui Crystal
machimnae shijakdwaen byeonshin ui kkeuteun na
ijeotdo sarangeun anilkka? Oh~

han beon ui kiseuwa hamkke-nari seondeuthan-ganghan ikkeullim
do beon ui kiseu, ttogeopge tajyeobeoril geot gateun ne shimjangeul
Yeah~ neoreul gajyeosseo You know you got it!

Yeah~ Come on! Come on! I got you~ Under my skin
ne kkumsoge nan neol jibaehaneun mabeobseo nae jumune
neon dashi geuryeojido isseo I got you~ Under my skin
My devil’s ride, daneun sumeul goshi eobjanha geureohdamyeon
ijen jeulkyeo buneunge eotteolkka? I got you~ Under my skin

neon nareul wonhae neon naege ppajyeo neon naege michyeo
hae eo nalsu eopseo I got you~ under my skin
neon nareul wonhae neon naege ppajyeo neon naege michyeo
neon na ui no ye
I got you~ under my skin

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